CNA Classes in Arizona providing Certified Nurse Aide Training

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Approved CNA classes in Arizona meet the state nurse aide training requirement. CNA Certification Schools in Arizona offer State Board approved CNA classes and training. The Arizona State Board approved nursing assistant training program is a 120 hour program that includes classroom/laboratory hours and clinical hours. The program curriculum was developed by the Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee. Arizona Nursing Assistant program aims to provide necessary theory and skills to practice as a certified nursing assistant in nursing homes, long-term care, hospitals, assistant living centers, immediate care and acute care centers.

CNA Classes in Arizona Enrollment Requirement

Most Arizona CNA Certification schools require a high school diploma or GED equivalent prior to starting CNA classes in Arizona. The Arizona State Board of Nursing does not have a minimum age requirement for certified nursing assistants. However, the Arizona Department of Health Services mandates minimum age of 16 years for CNAs working in long-term care facilities. Arizona Certified Nursing Assistant Examination requires each applicant to submit fingerprints report, and complete a criminal background check before issuing CNA certificate in Arizona. CNA schools in Arizona also check for active Felony or Unprofessional Conduct in the past five years. Some CNA schools also conduct fingerprinting services in their facility to expedite the CNA program enrollment process. Prospective certified nursing assistant students require documentation of citizenship or nationality or legal residency status. Students require TB rest report that is within the past 6 months. Students also need to pass a physical examination and provide Doctor's note on suitable health to take the CNA course.

CNA classes cost in Arizona

CNA classes in Arizona range from $500 to $1500. Most CNA certification schools in Arizona that offer Arizona Board approved CNA classes offer both theoretical and clinical training. Nursing homes, hospitals and Red Cross centers also offer certified nursing assistant classes. The tuition and fees generally include textbook, uniform, Gait Belt and Name Badge. Some schools also offer discount if tuition is paid in full at the time of enrollment.

CNA Classes in Arizona

Arizona CNA Classes and training programs are typically 3-6 weeks long. While in nursing assistant programs, nursing assistant students gain skills and knowledge on infection control, safety and emergency procedures, communication skills, personal care skills, basic nursing skills, psychosocial needs, basic restorative services and skills, quality improvement and more. Training program consists of classroom and clinical hours.

The Arizona State Board Approved CNA Certification Schools in Arizona

Arizona Medical Training Institute

Arizona Medical Training Institute (AMTI) is state approved CNA certification schools in Mesa, Arizona. Class sizes at AMTI are relatively small. AMTI positions number 1 among CNA certification schools in Arizona. AMTI pass rate for the first time students in the past term were 97% written and 91% on skills.

AMTI Mesa CNA Program Highlights

CNA classes and training programs at Arizona Medical Training Institute (AMTI) are available as (3) weekday program, five (5) week evening program, and six (6) weekends program. AMTI CNA program is one of the best CNA training available in Mesa, Arizona. CNA training program at AMTI covers Arizona State certified nursing assistant credit hours requirement. The program consists of 80 classroom and 40 clinical hours. AMTI CNA course costs $1,065.00. The CNA program fee includes required textbook/lab materials, CPR, TB test, uniform top, stethoscope, B/P cuff, and gait belt. Partial payment options are also available. Students at AMTI can take Arizona CNA State Board exam on campus within one week after graduation.

Contact Information

Arizona Medical Training Institute

1530 N. Country Club Drive,
Suite 11
Mesa, AZ 85201
Phone: 480-835-7679
Fax: 480-668-4132

Mesa Community College

The CNA program at Mesa Community College, MCC in Mesa, Arizona is approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing. This CNA training program provides classroom instructions and clinical skills necessary for the acute and/or long term care patient. Students who complete this program can take Arizona CNA certification exam in order to become a certified Nursing Assistant in Arizona.

Mesa Community College CNA Program Highlight

Prospective certified nurse aide program applicants at Mesa Community College require High School diploma or GED before beginning the CNA classes and training. Also, MCC requires fingerprint clearance from all students enrolled in nursing program. The program covers 120 hours Arizona CNA certification skills and training requirement for the acute and/or long-term care patient. The nursing assistant program also trains students to develop effective communication skills necessary among co-workers and the patients.

Contact Information

Mesa Community College
145 North Central Way
Mesa, AZ 85201
Ph: 480-461-6220